Academic Profile

My research delves into the intersecting discourses of gender, race, sexuality, and other identities in sports media branding and marketing. I investigate how industry professionals use these narratives to shape sports promotion and examine the disparity between inclusive rhetoric in sports media and labor practices that disenfranchise those same identities. I identify primarily as a feminist media scholar who draws on scholarship from cultural studies, critical race studies, gender studies, and sports media studies to inform my own work. 

I've published my work in journals such as the Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Communication and Sport, the International Journal of Communication, and Feminist Media Studies. In 2021, I published my first monograph with the University of Illinois Press. You can access some of my publications here. 

In the classroom, I explore identity and representation in entertainment media, with a particular emphasis on sports media. My courses have covered a wide range of topics, including media industries, participatory culture, brand culture, neoliberalism, labor, intersectionality, and Black and Latinx feminist approaches to media.

Through my teaching, I examine how identities intersect in various media contexts and how neoliberalism, whiteness, and heteropatriarchy influence media production and representation. By weaving these themes together, I aim to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the complex dynamics at play in sports media and beyond.

Selected Highlights

2017- 2024: Worked in the Department of Radio-Television-Film at the University of Texas at Austin as a lecturer and then assistant professor.

2017-2024: Supervised four PhD dissertations and served on numerous dissertation, exam, and thesis committees during my time at UT Austin. 

2022: Won the Outstanding Book Award from the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport.

2021: Published a monograph, Fighting Visibility: Sports Media and Female Athletes in the UFC, with the University of Illinois Press.

2021: Selected for a university-wide award for teaching innovation and excellence at the University of Texas at Austin. 

2018-2022: Awarded multiple top paper awards from the National Communication Association and International Communication Association.

2017: Earned a doctorate in Communication from the Department of Communication at the University of Washington.

2013: Earned a masters of arts in Communication from the Department of Communication at the University of Washington.