
As your scholarly writing and career coach, I help you chart a path where you not only survive academia but thrive, reaching your full potential and doing important work at the university and beyond.

Do any of these seem familiar?

You know that securing an academic job or tenure requires publishing more than you have time for, but “publish or perish” keeps ringing in your ears.

You went to graduate school because you love teaching and public scholarship, but the academy's priorities leave you with little time to make a difference.

You used to enjoy writing, but fear of the academy's critique culture paralyzes you whenever you try.

You enjoyed your time as a doctoral student or precarious instructor, but full-time academic opportunities are uncommon, and you worry you won't find rewarding work outside the ivory tower.

As your coach, I will not give you the "right" answers; instead, I will facilitate the inner work that will allow you to discover them for yourself!

I specialize in crafting actionable strategies and goals based on your strengths, values, ambitions, identities, and life circumstances. I'll support you every step of the way, ensuring you stay on track, adapting as needed, and celebrating your successes!

My Coaching Philosophy

In academia, we often believe that success hinges solely on individual effort and innate talent. But this mindset limits our growth potential. The world’s best athletes continuously rely on coaching to refine their skills, recognizing that guidance enhances performance. If even Serena Williams needs a coach, surely you and I do too! 

My coaching philosophy is rooted in personalized support, recognizing your unique aspirations and identity. I don't offer one-size-fits-all solutions; instead, I guide you through introspection to find strategies that resonate with you. This journey demands deep work and commitment from both of us! 

Navigating academia's challenges requires a tailored approach. Together, we'll craft a plan that aligns with your values, priorities, and circumstances. My expertise lies in coaching scholars in writing, career development, and their intersections, ensuring holistic support.

Writing Coaching

As your writing coach, I empathize with the daunting pressure of "publish or perish" and the intimidating culture of critique in academia. Having navigated these challenges myself, I've assisted numerous scholars through workshops, writing groups, and personalized strategies.

We can work on a number of goals, including, but not limited to:

  • Establishing a consistent writing routine tailored to your busy schedule

  • Conquering self-doubt and imposter syndrome in scholarly book writing

  • Identifying and overcoming perfectionism or procrastination

  • Strategizing for publications that will help meet your career goals

Are you ready to cultivate sustainable writing practices and mindsets for scholarly success? Let’s work together!

Career Coaching 

As your career coach, I support you in finding a path that aligns with your values, career, and life goals, whether in academia or beyond. With experience in both academia and the broader professional world, I can help you navigate your journey. I've also spent years as a career counselor specializing in social impact jobs!

We can collaborate on several objectives, including, but not limited to:

  • Crafting an attainable tenure strategy while maintaining balance 

  • Gaining clarity on staying in academia or exploring other career paths

  • Strategizing for success in academic or alt-ac job searches

  • Balancing teaching commitments with other priorities

Ready to navigate your career journey with confidence and clarity? Let's connect and explore your options!

Developmental Editing 

As your developmental editor,* I work with you to enhance the structure, content, and clarity of your writing, ensuring that your ideas are presented in the most compelling and effective way. With a deep understanding of academic writing conventions, I provide tailored feedback that helps you refine your work and achieve your writing goals.

We can collaborate on several areas, including, but not limited to:

  • Strengthening the organization and flow of your manuscript

  • Ensuring clarity and coherence of your argument

  • Providing in-depth feedback on content, structure, and style

  • Enhancing the overall impact of your writing

Ready to transform your manuscript into its best possible version? Let's connect and begin the process of elevating your work!

*Note that I primarily accept projects in the humanities and qualitative social sciences.